Improving Assessment Results by Studying The Brain’s Reactions

Improving Assessment Results by Studying The Brain's Reactions

The role our emotions play in our decision-making processes is actually much deeper than you may realize. The brain can act in many different ways when we are reading and then answering questions. While we make decisions every day, we may not be aware that many of our quick decision-making abilities are reliant on our emotions. Below, we will uncover why assessment scores may not match a person’s actual intentions and why it is important to recognize this offset.

There May Be an Underlying Meaning to a Question

This type of question is one of the most common types that causes conflict with a user, as in their answer says one thing, but their brain says a completely different thing. These types of questions, when read back by test examiners, may have underlying meanings. These meanings were likely not considered when the assessment was first created. However, they have since come to the surface and may sway those who are taking the assessment. For instance, there may be a question that a person feels more drawn to answer a certain way to fit in with societal norms.

There is a Neutral Reaction to The Question

You may think that questions require a person to feel strongly swayed in one direction. For most assessment questions, the general goal is to have a user present either a strong response or a negative response to each question. Most assessments that are looking to get information are unlikely even to present a neutral option. However, a neutral response to a question can also occur within a person’s brain. They may not feel compelled to choose either option. This could be due to several reasons but is most likely due to how the question is written.

The Question is Confusing

If a question is poorly worded or even has grammatical mistakes, this could throw off a person taking an assessment. This is because this disrupts a person’s initial train of thought. They may spend more time than is needed attempting to decipher what the question is trying to ask of them. A skewed response could also be the case if their answer options are confusing. A person may wrongly assume that an answer is incorrect because it is grammatically worded oddly, which can harshly skew assessment results, especially if the questions are overly wordy.

Why Does Uncovering What Affects Assessment Scores Matter?

The only way to achieve success is to recognize flaws. Recognizing flaws in the system allows for more significant improvement and can help account for weak points in the chain. While analytical analysis of test scores can provide pertinent data for improvements, studying how the brain reacts when presented with questions can also provide valuable information that other studies may miss. Instead of focusing solely on what is presented at face value, XQ Innovation dives into the bigger picture and recognizes the key role that mental processes play in decision-making abilities.

At XQ Innovation, we believe in the predictability of business and creating individualized approaches to propelling the people in your organization to success. That is because we believe in the power of human connection and that each employee can become a vital asset to your organization. We do not just throw numbers and data at the organizations we work with. Instead, we provide companies with tools and methods to help them better understand personality and emotional intelligence. Our assessments, coaching, and leadership training provide organizations with the ability to understand the decision-making processes and create unparalleled synergy within the workplace. This, in turn, creates an organization that is built for achievement.

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